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FEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL ARTS SOCIETY SINGAPORE -FOWCASS 各国主席、教授、院长、老师及朋友们大家好:尽管新冠十九疫情暴发全球,但也阻挡不住我们【世文联】加盟国之间通过网络视频与全球各国之文化艺术者来进行交流,借助远程通信技术,我们只需单击一下按钮,即可克服海外的界限和时差。(第四集)今年五月八日《世界文化艺术联合总会》与《库泰•穆拉瓦曼国际和平学院》联办【世文联文化纽带】网络交流会议,由世文联全球总顾问陳光億宗师及伯兰总理伊登•索里亚诺•特立尼达教授,特别邀请五个国家国王互动共同一起交流,分別为印尼国王燕夏拉士萨•法瑞毕博士教授、南非国王教授总主教大臣奔给三世、南非囯王雷西萨三世君主莫洛伊博士、伯兰国王陛下埃米尔•海亚威博士、加纳国王丹尼斯•埃卡福•金杜陛下、尼日利亚传统国王伊格威王朝赫伯特•乌库塔博士、南非首席总督帕特里克•安•马什勒博士及印泰皇室将军方三馨教授等,进行首次跨越欧洲、非洲及亚洲的正式视频文化交流会议。此次除了由本会讲述世文联宗旨使命及文化艺术以外,各国国王也陆续分享其文化艺术及其见解,当中过程之间畅谈什欢,而此次出席的国家成员教授、博士及精英们有:南非、博茨瓦纳、尼日利亚、加纳、伯兰、尼泊尔、印度、德国、希腊、泰国、印尼、菲律賓及主办国新加坡等,大家都很诚恳地分享其地方文化艺术色彩,让此次【世文联文化纽带】之网上视频交流划上最完美的句号。(见附图)中国媒体网络 Hello, chairpersons, professors, deans, teachers, and friends of all countries: Although COVID- 19 has disrupted the whole world but it could not stop our Cultural Exchange Alliance in FOWCAAS. With the helpContinue readingFEDERATION OF WORLD CULTURAL ARTS SOCIETY SINGAPORE -FOWCASS

A Travelogue Through the Poetry Of the World (Putopis kroz poeziju sveta) Eden S Trinidad by Miljana Zivanovic- Switzerland Filipini ️🇸🇽🇸🇽 ️*Putopis kroz poeziju sveta/ with English translation*A travelogue through the poetry of the worldIntro:Svakoga dana predstavljat ću vam po jednu poetu, umetnika…Neverovatni ljudi, impresivne biografije, osnivači i učesnici mnogih humanitarnih organizacija,  književnici,Continue readingA Travelogue Through the Poetry Of the World (Putopis kroz poeziju sveta) Eden S Trinidad by Miljana Zivanovic- Switzerland

Poems Published in GALAKTIKA POETIKE “ATUNIS” A travelogue through the poetry of the world travelogue through the poetry of the worldIntro:Each day I will introduce you to one pt, artists …Incredible people, impressive biographies, founders and associates ofContinue readingPoems Published in GALAKTIKA POETIKE “ATUNIS”