November 19, 2022


Kutai is a historical region in East Kalimantan, Indonesia on the island of Borneo and is also the name of the native ethnic of the region, numbering around 300,000 who have their own language of the same name and their own rich history. Today the name is preserved in the names of three regencies in East Kalimantan, the Kutai Kartanegara Regency, the West Kutai Regency, and the East Kutai Regency. The major river of the region is the Mahakam River.
Kutai Martadipura is a 4th-century or perhaps much earlier Hindu kingdom located in the Kutai area, East Kalimantan.[1]:52 It is one of the earliest ancient kingdoms in Indonesian history. Seven stone pillars, or yūpa (“sacrificial posts”), have been found in Kutai, Kaman Estuary, near the Mahakam River.[2] The plinths bear an inscription in the Pallava script of India reading “A gift to the Brahmin priests”. The style of the script has been dated to the last half of the 4th century.[3] It is believed these religions were brought to Indonesia around the 2nd and 4th centuries, respectively, when Indian traders arrived on the islands of Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi.[4]
The names of three rulers are known from the inscriptions. The first ruler mentioned is Kuḍungga, the “lord of men” (Narendra), his son Aśwawarman, styled the “founder of the dynasty” (vaṇśa-kartṛ) and grandson of the first and son of the later, Mulavarman called the “lord of kings” (rājendra). As Kuṇḍungga does not seem to be a name of Sanskrit Hinduistic style while the other two are, it is presumed he was a leader of local origin ( Dayak People ) and it was his son Aśwawarman that adopted the Hinduistic belief.[3] It was Mūlawarman who let these inscriptions be made. While nothing of the military actions of his two predecessors is known, “Raja” Mūlawarman is stated to have conquered his neighbors in battle. He is also said to have increased the land of Kutai by a local ritual called “Asvaredjwa”. This ritual required a horse released to his land. The footsteps of the freely roaming horse were taken as evidence that this land belonged to Kutai. Mulawarman was also known for his tribute of gold to his God. The name of his kingdom is not mentioned on the inscriptions nor do any other documents in other countries relate to a kingdom at this time in this region. It is not known what became of the kingdom after these pillars had been erected. It may be possible that the name Kutai, as in Tuñjung Kute of the 1365 Javanese Majapahit poem Nāgarakṛtāgama is as ancient and reflects the original name used a thousand years earlier.

At that time, the island of Borneo was called Nusa Kencana Ratnadwiva and changed its name to Nusa Naladwiva during the transfer of the capital to Maradapur (Martapura). The kingdom was named Quitaire (Kutai), Martapura was the name of the city in Sanskrit. Tebalai Indah Now Balai Means Istana Dan Riung Is The King’s Throne In The Reign Of The Kings Before Maharaja Sri Mulawarman came to power and built a new city called Martapura.
The name Kutai is known and comes from the word Quitaire which means wilderness in Sanskrit Kho -Thay in Chinese is a large urban kingdom, this is included in the book by H. Syaukani. HR, He Was Also The Discussion Committee Of The 1974 Kutai History Panel In Tenggarong And And Papers Submitted To Me By Him During A. Iansyahrechza. F, Became a Participant in the Adolescent Scientific Research Competition on the Cultural History of the Kutai Kingdom in 1997 and received an award from the Ministry of Secondary and General Education, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia, in several papers also became a source of writing about the Kutai I Genealogy I and Kutai II Genealogy Published by Kutai Government 1980 And It Is Explained That The Genealogy Of The Kings In Martapura Was Obtained From Maharaja Indra Mulia As The King Who Was Still On The Throne At That Time In Muara Kaman Told Clearly To The Maharaja Sultan The Moment Before Their Departure To Majapahit And Not The Names Of The Kings Mentioned By Dutch Researchers That The Genealogy Obtained From Nyayau Belian Is Not True, It Is Clear That The Genealogy Is Clear From The Saying Of A King Not From The Buyer And It Was Poured Into The Kutai Genealogy.
At the First Century AD In the East Stand A Government called Government Vravatam Diva Malaya or better known as the Kingdom of Sagara, territory called Malay or Malay The Malay This Interpreted Malaya Or Me-lo-yo Slang Chinese or Malay Slang Now, Which Is Native, However, the Sagara Kingdom does not have a large area, it is only a region covering several Dusun Rantau districts, a region called Malaya which controls trade at sea, while the Sagara Kingdom is estimated to have stood in 17 AD, it is located south of the current Singkarak Kingdom and is the Tanah Tidung Kingdom and Sabah Malaysia used to be the territory of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam where they are descendants of the Niah Tribe in Berunai, then Sabah is a state territory in East Malaysia, Singkarak Kingdom is the origin of the Lahat Datu community in North Kalimantan is now an ancient kingdom in Sarawak , Yang Ju ga The Kingdom Is A Trade Gateway With The Kingdom Of Li Yi People Speaking Cam, Built-In 192 AD This Kingdom Is Called Campa Now.
At that time, the island of Kalimantan was called Nusa Kencana Ratnadwiva and its name was changed to Nusa Naladwiva during the transfer of the capital to Maradapur (Martapura). The kingdom was named Quitaire (Kutai), Martapura was the name of the city in Sanskrit Maradapure where the palace and the Hindu temple, Tebala Riung Tebalai Indah Now Balai Means Istana Dan Riung Is The King’s Throne In The Reign Of The Kings Before Maharaja Sri Mulawarman came to power and built a new city called Martapura.
The name Kutai is known and comes from the word Quitaire which means wilderness in Sanskrit and the word Kho -Thay in Chinese is a large urban kingdom, this is included in the book by H. Syaukani. HR, He Was Also A Discussion Committee Of The 1974 Kutai History Panel In Tenggarong And And Papers Submitted To Me By Him During A. Iansyahrechza. F, Became a Participant of Adolescent Scientific Research Competition on the Cultural History of the Kingdom of Kutai in 1997 and received an award from the Ministry of Secondary and General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia, in several papers also became a source of writing about the Kutai I Genealogy I and Kutai II Genealogy Published by Kutai Government 1980 And It Is Explained That The Genealogy Of The Kings In Martapura Was Obtained From Maharaja Indra Mulia As The King Who Was Still On The Throne At That Time In Muara Kaman Told Clearly To The Maharaja Sultan The Moment Before Their Departure To Majapahit And Not The Names Of The Kings Mentioned By Dutch Researchers That The Genealogy Obtained From Nyayau Belian Is Not True, It Is Clear That The Genealogy Is Clear From The Saying Of A King Not From The Buyer And It Was Poured Into The Kutai Genealogy.
At the First Century AD In the East Stand A Government called Government Vravatam Diva Malaya or better known as the Kingdom of Sagara, territory called Malay or Malay The Malay This Interpreted Malaya Or Me-lo-yo Slang Chinese or Malay Slang Now, Which Is Native, However, the Sagara Kingdom does not have a large area, it is only a region covering several Dusun Rantau districts, a region called Malaya that controls sea trade, while the Sagara Kingdom is estimated to have stood in 17 AD, it is located south of the current Singkarak Kingdom and is the Tanah Tidung Kingdom and Sabah. Malaysia used to be the territory of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam where they are descendants of the Niah Tribe in Berunai, and in Sabah is a state territory in East Malaysia, the Singkarak Kingdom is the origin of the Lahat Datu community in North Kalimantan is now an ancient kingdom in the land Sarawak, Which too The Kingdom Is A Trade Gate With The Kingdom Of Li Yi Its People Speak Cam, Built In 192 AD This Kingdom Is Called Campa Now. From Here We know Kutai Kuno led by Raja Tan massages Which Can Also Be Told As Tambo Quarter Sejarah Melayu in history Raja Kutai Ancient associated with Story Times Past That State Kembayat Dusk State orchard connection, In the Land of Kelantan Malaysia Up To The Story of The The Hanja Giant Or Known By The Giant Tribe And Among The Kutai Society Has The Same Story As The Folklore In Malaysia About The Giant Tribe.
Neroyong Is An Art Of Poetry, In These Poems Tells About An Event At Certain Times In A Neroyong In Find A Story About A Kingdom Long Before Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Nala Dewa Was Born And Became Maharaja In The City Of Martapura Muara Kaman.
In a Neroyong Bernama Negeri Bumbung Be Ratu There Is A Tahani Or Raja Bernama Tan Minak Samburakai Berputra Tan Mampi, And Tan Mampi Married Puan Tahani Or Putri Raja Who Later Born A Boy Named Tan Pihatu.
The Story Of A Man Named Pihatu Is Very Not Foreign To The Children Of The Inland Tribe In Kutai, As A Figure Of A King Who Has The Intelligence In Building Paddy And Palawija Plantations So That His People Are Prosperous.
This is where the customary procedure of paddy farming in the ceremony is obtained, starting from the event of Nyahu or NGEMBA TUAH. Finding a place to farm that is good and fertile and after that is continued with NGEMBA NGARAI, which is cleaning the land that has been considered good for farming, in this ceremony is also done Cleaning Saniang Remukut Or Rice Seeds To Be Planted.
The Ceremony Continues By Rejecting WANGKANG JONG Or A Ship Made Of Pinang Fronds Which Is Filled With Sesaji And In Larung Or Washed In The Mahakam River, In 1980 It Is Still Often We See Wangkang Jong Drifting In The Mahakam River And Now It Is Almost Not There is more because the people on the farm have decreased due to the land controlled by oil palm plantations and others.
In a plantation hut by the Kutai people, it is called Pondok Huma in the making of a large shell from a wooden whip and on it is tied with rice that is still in the process. Betuhing So That It Is Not Attacked By Paddy Pests The Same As About Wangkang Jong Is A Place To Get Rid Of Plant Pests Along With The Foods Available In It.
When the Indu Remukut harvest is placed at the base of the kerangking, it is believed to invite the rice seed that is still in the field is not posted (meaning it is not empty) and has good quality rice and that is a bit about Neroyang which is also a baian from this genealogy and about a man named Raja Tan Pihatu Mrs. Putri Putri Tumbau has a son Tan Meretam, and Tan Meretam has a son Tan Tembayat, Tan Tembayat has a son Tan Seredang who has a daughter named Puan Gamboh Alis Putri Gabok who is married to Adik Raja Cam Bernama Cri Ga Dong Ga (Maharaja Sri Kudungga).
Note that the title Tan’s Degree in French Nobility The Interpreted That is Mr. Tan is a reference to the Very Reverend and Mrs. King to the Queen or Princess And Happened On The breed descendants.

A message on the Gelar dalam bahasa Indonesia: Duli Yang maha Mulia Sripaduka Baginda Berdaulat Agung of Kutai Malawarman His Royal Majesty Great King (Prof. Dr. Hc. M.S. P. A. lansyahrechza. FW.Ph.D) Maharaja of Kutai to bring the message of Peace in the World

Dear His Royal Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P.A. Iansyahrechza, FW, Ph.D (Maharaja of Mulawarman Kingdom),
Greetings from Indonesia!
My name is Ruben Frangky Darwin Oratramangun. I’m from Indonesia.
I bring people, ideas, and inspiration together to make the world a better place. I’m a Founder / President Indonesian Youth Updates and also Global Peace Ambassador. I’m very interested and optimism to be a candidate “Doctor Honoris Causa” in my life.
I’ve awardee Ecumenical Scholarship from AGAPE in Italy and Professional Leadership Award Winner 2020. My Bachelors of Fisheries and Marine Science from Sam Ratulangi of University.
“Peace is the stillness of mind. In today’s political climate, peace can take many shapes and forms; however, we can identify peace by some of its unequivocal traits: Love, trust, humbleness, partnership, tolerance, and inclusivity.
These traits are fundamental to the healthy growth of individuals, communities, and society. It is when innovative humans advocate for inclusivity, tolerance and coexistence, that the world can change. It is when individuals choose love, trust, and humility, that nations can alter their negative cultural traits.
We are currently witnessing a fourth social revolution. Technology has provided us with a platform where voices are amplified, and human behavior cannot overshadow or hidden; However, we should be aware of the message we want to convey. We see more international alliances frayed by the actions (and inactions) of states’ citizens.
As Agents of Peace, we must find solutions that disregards man’s inclination and instincts for misconception, chaos, and fallacy. Peace must shine by long term propositions versus short term paradigms.
I believe that peace can be obtainable through educational camps, partnerships, dialogue with stakeholders such as, but not limited to, diplomats, religious scholars, and community-based organizations.
Approximately 120 million people have died due to war-related conflicts. Yes, the number increases, but youth voices can tackle this challenge. As Reinhold Niebuhr said, “man’s capacity of justice makes democracy, but man’s inclination for injustice makes democracy.” The paradox is simple.
“Peace is a harmony; peace is order defeating chaos.” Thank you
Best Regards,
Ruben Frangky Darwin
(Founder / President Indonesian Youth Updates and Global Peace Ambassador)
Indeed, the world is rapidly changing and world leaders are to be blamed for many
serious problems caused by all societies: Corruption has increased in past four decades, human rights violations, millions of families are starving globally, criminality levels are increasing, health and education standards are decreasing, unemployment is high, low wages are paid and families can’t live decent lives, the environment is ignored causing catastrophic impacts in climate change, killings continue in senseless wars… Yes, we need world peace, but peace can only become a reality through a genuine commitment to bring peace by the world leaders. You can be the sparkle with your global influence with many nations to bring world tranquility…
Prof. Miguel A. Pinzón