
️*Putopis kroz poeziju sveta/ with English translation*A travelogue through the poetry of the worldIntro:Svakoga dana predstavljat ću vam po jednu poetu, umetnika…Neverovatni ljudi, impresivne biografije, osnivači i učesnici mnogih humanitarnih organizacija, književnici, znalci pisane reči, koji pružaju svoju svesrdnu pomoć da bi usrećili i pomogli druge.U proteklih nekoliko meseci to su ljudi koji ostavljaju svoj trag i uticaj na mene. Obogatili su moju viziju i pogled na svet, postala sam bolji čovek zahvaljujući njima.
Čitajući njenu biografiju, zastala sam. Čini mi se ako bih izostavila samo jednu reč koja nju opisuje, oštetila bih čitaoca za jedno divno predstavljanje velike međunarodne žene!Pesnikinja, direktorka, podpredsednica, ambasadorka – humanitarnosti i kreativnosti, dobre volje i čovečanstva…i mogo više od toga.Ja sam impresionirana. Moj naklon.Njeno ime je Eden S Trinidad
️ Međunarodna pjesnikinja i direktorka škole Memorijalnog centra za učenje Lucio Abrigo, Inc, terenske škole na Filipinima u koju je pionirala 1991. godine.U upravnom odboru je OF-a Galaxy Poetic „Atunis“ u Belgiji. Međunarodni potpredsednik Jara Fondacije Nepal u Katmanduu u Nepalu.Direktorka ambasadorka IFCH-a, imenovan od strane Međunarodnog foruma za kreativnost i humanost (IFCH), uredno licenciranog entiteta pri Ministarstvu unutarnjih poslova u Kraljevine Maroko.Prvi nositelj ambasadora dobre volje za Waheed Centar za čovječanstvo i centar za humanitarni razvoj (WCHHD) u Gani u Africi.Međunarodnog ambasadora za čovečanstvo dodelio joj je Međunarodni forum za kreativnost i čovečanstvo (IFCH) koji je odobrilo 8 skupina svetskog mira i čovečanosti.Član China Poetry Network-a i China Writer Network-a. Jedina je specijalna Filipinka na 12. Guntur međunarodnom festivalu poezije 2019. koji se održava u Gunturu, Andri, Pradeshu, Indija i Poetry on Wheels 2019 koji se održavao u Hyderabad Indija od 18. do 23. septembra 2019. godine.Takođe je jedna od glavnih govornika Međunarodne humanitarne konferencije u septembru 2018. održane na Univerzitetu u Gani, Afrika. Ona je Pentasi B Poezija svetskog prijateljstva Porodični svet, dobitnik nagrade za Svetsku poeziju 2018.Njeni radovi su predstavljeni u međunarodnim antologijskim knjigama, online i štampanim časopisima i prevedeni na hindski i telugu jezik Indije, Kine, Vijetnama, Rusije, Poljske, Nepala, Arapski, Meksika.Prevoditelj je epske knjige velikog i slavnog indijskog pesnika, autor prevodioca i torakalnog hirurga, dr. Lanka Siva Rama Prasada u knjizi na filipinskom jeziku pod nazivom “Kovčeg Vermiliona”, 108 Zenskih pesama Zenskog majstora Krišne Prasaija Nepala pod nazivom “Tuš sunca”, epska knjiga poznatog vijetnamskog pesnika i autora Man Van Phan-a pod nazivom “Era junk”, i Kratke priče pod nazivom “Kako blizanci odrastaju” napiso poznati pisac i profesor u Srbiji dr. Milutin Đuričković.Njenu knjigu poezije pod nazivom “Eden cveta” preveo je i objavio dr L Sr Prasad na jeziku telugu, a na hindski jezik preveo dr. Navin Kumar Upadhyay.Autor je hiljade pesama koje su prevedene na vijetnamski jezik, preveo veliki i poznati pesnik, pisac i urednik Mai Van Phan, na srpski jezik njene pesme prevodi veliko ime iz književnosti dr. profesor Milutin Đuričković, a na kineski jezik preveo Tian Yu.Višestruko nagrađivana i novoimenovana za Akademika književnosti – Pekinške akademije književnosti.U svojoj zemlji, Filipinima, njena pesnička zbirka napisana na filipinskom jeziku i njeni preevodi kratkih priča objavljeni su na web stranici Panitikan.ph na Univerzitetu Filipinskog literarnog instituta za kreativno pisanje.
Ja sam poezijaJa sam melodijaJa sam životni stih jedinstva
Ja sam poezijaŠareni biseriNepomičnih mekanih kovrdža
Ja sam poezijaNameravam da izbacim nejednakostU namjeri da poboljšaju kreativnost
Ja sam poezijaZaslepši kišaMoje nejasnoće.
Otac engleske poezijeOtac engleske prozeOtac romantične poezije
Kralj soneta i klasikaI moderna poezijaLjutiš li se na mene?
Dok objavljujem svoje pjesme na FB-u?Kad se moja poezija dotakne jednog života,onda moja misija u životu postiže svoju pobedu.
P.S. i, kada bih mogla “prošetati svoj razgovor …”
17. aprila 2020. godine01:00
Eden S. TrinidadExecutive DirectorETCIT Wechat Dept.WeChatID: edenstrinidad5International Vice-President Jara Foundation Nepal
️*Putopis kroz poeziju sveta*A travelogue through the poetry of the worldIntro:Each day I will introduce you to one poet, artists …Incredible people, impressive biographies, founders and associates of many humanitarian organizations, writers, the soul of the written word, who offer wholehearted help to make others happy and helpful.They have enriched my vision and worldview, I have become a better person thanks to them.Reading her bio, I paused. It seems to me that if I left out just one word that describes her, I would damage the reader for one wonderful presentation of one great international woman!Poet, director, vice president, ambassador – humanitarianism and creativity, goodwill and humanity …and more than that.I’m impressed. My inclination.Her name is EDEN SORIANO TRINIDAD!She is an international poet and the School Director of Lucio Abrigo Memorial Learning Center, Inc, an outreach school in the Philippines which she pioneered in 1991. She is an appointed Board of Director OF Galaxy Poetic “Atunis” in Belgium.The International Vice President of Jara Foundation Nepal in Kathmandu Nepal.The Director of IFCH Ambassadors appointed by the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (IFCH), a duly licensed entity under the Ministry of Interior in the Kingdom of Morocco.1st Holder of Goodwill Ambassador for Waheed Center of Humanity and Humanitarian Development Center (WCHHD) in Ghana Africa.She is Pentasi B World Friendship Poetry Family World Featured Poet 2018 and World Poetry Laureate 2018.International Ambassador for Humanity bestowed upon by the International Forum for Creativity and Humanity (IFCH) approved by 8 groups of world peace and humanity. Member of China Poetry Network & China Writer Network.She is the only Filipino special guest at the 12th Guntur International Poetry Festival 2019 held at Guntur, Andra, Pradesh, India and Poetry on Wheels 2019 held at Hyderabad India on September 18-23, 2019.She also one of the top speakers of the International Humanitarian Conference 2018 held in the University of Ghana, Ghana Africa last September 29, 2018.Her works have been featured and published on International anthology books, Online and printed magazines and translated in Hindi and Telugu Language of India, China, Vietnam, Russia, Poland, Nepal, Arabic, Mexico. She is the translator of an epic book of the great and famous Indian Poet, author translator and Thoracic surgeon, Dr. Lanka Siva Rama Prasad in Filipino Language book titled, “The Casket of Vermillion”, the 108 Zen Poems of Zen Master Krishna Prasai of Nepal titled “ Sun Shower”, the epic book of a famous Vietnamese poet and author Man Van Phan titled “Era of Junk”, and the Short Stories titled “How the Twins Grew Up” written by a famous writer and professor in Serbia Dr. Milutin Djurickovic. Her poetry book titled “Eden Blooms” a collection of her poems are translated and published by Dr. L Sr Prasad in Telugu Language, translated in the Hindi language by Dr. Navin Kumar Upadhyay, an author of thousands of songs, poems and researches, in Vietnamese language translated by the great and famous poet, writer, editor Mai Van Phan, in Serbian language translated and published by a big name in literature Serbian poet -author- Dr. Professor Milutin Djurickovic and in Chinese Language translated by Tian Yu, a multi-awarded and newly appointed Academician of Literature of Beijing Academy of Literature.In her country, the Philippines, her poetry collection written in Filipino Language, and her translations of short stories are all published in the University of the Philippines Literary Institute of Creative Writing website Panitikan.ph.
I am poetryI am the melodyI am the life verse of unity
I am poetryMulticolored pearlsunfurling soft twirls and curls
I am poetry I intend to iron out the disparityI weave intending to enhance Creativity
I am poetryDazzle by the drizzling rainof my ambiguity.
The father of English PoetryThe father of English ProseThe father of Romantic Poetry
King of Sonnets and Classicsand the modern poiesisAre you angry with me?
As I publish my poems on FB?When my poetry touches one life,then my mission in life achieves its vict’ry.
P.S. and, when I could “walk my talk…”
April 17, 20201:00 AM
Eden S. TrinidadExecutive DirectorETCIT Wechat Dept.WeChatID: edenstrinidad5International Vice-President Jara Foundation Nepal
Miljana ŽivanovićNaters, Swiss@Copyright Reserved
One thought on “A travelogue through the poetry of the world (Putopis kroz poeziju sveta)
– Eden S Trinidad / By: Miljana Zivanovic”
Hasmukh Mehta
APRIL 26, 2020 AT 5:40 AM
Melody in air
Sunday,26th April 2020
No amount of words justify
no amount of glory can testify
she can only be explained
not with words but with gesture ordained
I have read and reread
her work can bring energy to even dead
i find her melody in birds
that makes our morning with melodious words
what can be called melody in pure air?
you listen to her poetry recitation here
that has divine flow with sacred tuning
whole of atmosphere is silently turning
what shall be her worth?
you shall enjoy it with ceaseless breath
you will know what is called melodious faith!
that keeps you eager even when you are on death bed
this shall be the real tribute
that contributes to the cause of peace and harmony
as wished by an almighty
for the cause of humanity
Hasmukh Mehta
Courtesy: Phillipinno Cuckoo